Jealousy, hatred, they do not bring you anything good. Not only does it make no sense, but those negative emotions have a negative impact on your mind, and your body. Everyone can be mad or angry about something. Even Buddha must have had negative emotions, even sacred men have it. They have not lost any negative emotions. They just do not let their negative emotions take over and let them fade away. Any emotions can not last for long. If the negative emotion lasts for longer, you just remember it over and over and let it burn over and over again, like putting oil on a fire, by your thought. As long as you are at the moment, you can be free from such negative emotions to let them fade away. If it is difficult to do so, then by contemplation, by further insight, by seeing through them to their essence, you can see whether it makes sense to get angry with it, or not.
There is a saying: Hate the sin, do not hate the sinner. Even you may hate the behaviour of someone, but you should not hate the person who did it. The person’s behaviour has been caused by the people around the person, by the environment around the person, and is not solely the person’s responsibility. Even though the behaviour is unforgivable, forgiving the person is a real strength and can stop the negative cycle. Compassion.