Forward bending posture with legs spread.
Whether the legs are spread or closed, forward bending is important and fundamental to yoga postures.
Through forward bending postures, you will learn how to tilt the pelvis forward and move the hip joints in accordance with the psoas muscles, which will allow you to try many other poses.
People who cannot hold downward facing dog for at least 5 minuets need to improve your forward bending postures. Otherwise, you will not be able to step forward.
Don’t neglect the basics, or you will never improve your postures, or you just will be better at cheating on postures and movements.
1. Spread the legs to the appropriate width, depending on leg length, torso length and body proportions.
2. The toes are slightly inward or the feet are kept parallel.
3. It does not matter how your head is closer to the mat, try not to round the back anyway. Focus on the angle of the pelvis which should be tilted forward.