Vinyasa 01

Vinyasa 01

  In Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga, the transitions between postures are called Vinyasa. And it should be done as consciously as the postures. In sun salutations and sitting postures sequences, jump forward, jump through and jump back are movements that are repeated many...

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Destruction and creation

Destruction and creation

Shiva, the symbol of yoga, is the god of destruction and creation. For the creation of the new, the destruction of the old is necessary, which may be painful, but without it, nothing new can be created.In yoga, the yoga pose is only the third of the eight limbs, but...

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Formless form, voiceless voice

Formless form, voiceless voice

"At the root of Eastern thought seems to be the idea of seeing the formless form and hearing the voiceless voice". I was greatly moved by this sentence, which was quoted at the beginning of a book on Eastern thought, in the words of the Japanese philosopher Kitaro...

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Self Practice

Self Practice

When you join a yoga class at a studio, you are often empowerd by the people around you, which makes you feel stronger and work harder than you normally would. However, when you are on holiday, when you are not able to attend your regular classes and practice on your...

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Water in a tub

Water in a tub

One Indian philosopher said that there is nothing absolutely right or absolutely wrong, however there are things that are wise and things that are not. What seems right from one point of view may seem wrong from the other point of view. There are many such things in...

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A strong foundation is what keeps any building standing without collapsing. No matter how good a building looks, if the foundation is not strong enough, it will not be safe to live in and will not be comfortable to live in. Yoga has a concept of the chakras, and the...

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Jealousy, hatred, they do not bring you anything good. Not only does it make no sense, but those negative emotions have a negative impact on your mind, and your body. Everyone can be mad or angry about something. Even Buddha must have had negative emotions, even...

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Even cats seem to get jealous. In fact, being jealous not only doesn’t make any sense, it can have a negative effect on your body and mind due to stress. There may be many people who are richer than you, and many people who seem to be in enviable circumstances....

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The state of ‘Ku’ 空

The state of ‘Ku’ 空

When your hand is trying to move the balls on your palm, its proficiency can be divided into four levels. Level 1: Your hand is trying to move the balls, so it is not so smooth. level 2: The fingers seem to follow the movement of the balls. Slightly smoother. Level 3:...

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Revolutionary new inventions and innovations come from inspirations. No amount of knowledge can create new inventions and innovations. Momentary inspirations can trigger innovations. Inspirations do not come from your mind, but from what the deep within the heart and...

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